Just like peppermint, drinking liters of tea is healthy in many ways. Provided you do not put sugar in it, of course! There are great health benefits from drinking green tea aside from the fact that it promotes weight loss.
It is not acidic so even if you are an avid drinker of tea, it will not harm your teeth and gums. But how really good is green tea for your teeth? Here are a few of the benefits of green tea to your oral health.
1. It can help clean your teeth
The high number of polyphenols (which fight germs) in green tea ensures strong teeth and healthy gums. Green tea also contains fluoride, the well-known substance that is also found in toothpaste.
2. You can use it as a mouthwash
Green tea can perfectly serve as a mouthwash, but yes… then you need to let the tea steep for at least five minutes. In addition, tea can leave a discoloration on your teeth. That’s not convenient.
There is a mouthwash with green tea extract. Would that work? They have had this investigated by independent scientists. To be honest, we were quite surprised by the results. The mouthwash with green tea extract could even be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine, the conclusion was. Well, chlorhexidine is pretty much the holy grail in oral care for your gums. Unfortunately, there are quite a few disadvantages to chlorhexidine, especially in the longer term.
ALSO READ: The Importance Of Caring For Your Teeth
3. Get fresh breath with peppermint
And what about a peppermint? Well, an ordinary mint contains mint and that smells nice and fresh. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do anything else. Except for ruining your teeth because there is sugar in them. But it’s nice, isn’t it? And much more convenient to take with you on the go than a rinse agent or green tea. So what if you put green tea in a sugar-free mint?
4. You can combine it with Xylitol
Xylitol is a sweetener that brings the pH level in your mouth back up neatly after an acid surge. That’s good news because it can prevent cavities and erosion. You get a sour bump after eating or drinking something sweet or sour. The acid (low pH) dissolves your tooth material. So by letting your acid surge last only a very short time, you are less likely to get cavities or erosion. After your meal or snack. Not only was xylitol added to it, but also calcium phosphate. This also brings the pH up quickly.